Conducting with energy
This is the art of listening leadership. No matter the level of musical artistry by the people I conduct, I will always approach it as follows: listen, guide, lead, engage.
Although I was trained as an instrumental conductor, I somehow ended up conducting mostly choirs. Maybe because a singer cannot hide behind an instrument. It is honest.
Nevertheless, what I discovered is that I am good at leading groups of people towards a shared goal through music. So from a local shanty choir to a symphony orchestra, small groups of refugee children or thousands of teachers and music professionals in a concert hall, my challenge is always to offer them a fun yet safe space to dedicate themselves to music, together.
Shanty is heritage. For the past 10 years I have conducted these gentlemen towards 3-voice singing of traditional and not-so-traditional sailor songs.
Following the tremendous effort of the people’s opera in Amsterdam 2022, many members of the choir decided to continue with me as their conductor. We are singing classical, jazz, folk, pop and some improv.
For various projects I have formed a versatile ensemble of musicians who have contributed to the Classical Music Rave. As the band leader, I guide the music (often improvised) towards dancing audiences
It’s a long time ago, but during my studies I used to conduct instrumental ensembles of various shapes and forms. I miss doing so, so watch this space!
This orchestra consists of professionals who specialise in working with choir. For a recent project I conducted them and an ad-hoc choir for a sneak preview of Guido van der Werve’s new film music.
A dream not yet a reality: to set up a new orchestra with a collectivist business model: the Dutch Independent Orchestra - Diorchestra - focussing on danceable music.